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What is Dynamic Programming

Recursion + memory = Dynamic programming

  • Dynamic programming is mostly just a matter of taking a recursive algorithm and finding the overlapping sub-problems (that is, the repeated calls).
  • You then cache those results for future recursive calls.

Bottom-up Vs Top-down DP

There are two ways to implement a DP algorithm:

# Bottom-up, also known as tabulation.  
def fibo(n):
arr = [0] * (n+1)
arr[0] = 0
arr[1] = 1
for i in range(2, n+1):
arr[i] = arr[i-1] + arr[i-2]
return arr[n]
  • Bottom-up, also known as tabulation.
    • Bottom-up is implemented with iteration and starts at the base cases.
    • A bottom-up implementation runtime is usually faster, as iteration does not have the overhead that recursion does.
  • Top-down, also known as memorization.
    • Top-down is implemented with recursion and made efficient with memorization.
    • A top-down implementation is usually much easier to write. This is because with recursion, the ordering of sub-problems does not matter, whereas with tabulation, we need to go through a logical ordering of solving sub-problems.
#Top-down, also known as memorization.  
memo = {}
def fibo(n):
if n in [0,1]:
return n
if n not in memo:
memo[n] = fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2)
return memo[n]

DP Vs Greedy Algo

  • If a problem is asking for the maximum/minimum/longest/shortest of something, the number of ways to do something, or if it is possible to reach a certain point, it is probably greedy or DP.
  • Thus, how do we know which algo to use
    • The characteristic that is common in DP problems is that future "decisions" depend on earlier decisions.
    • Deciding to do something at one step may affect the ability to do something in a later step.
    • This characteristic is what makes a greedy algorithm invalid for a DP problem - we need to factor in results from previous decisions.
    • with greedy at each step we decide the best value not caring about past decisions

Tips for Dynamic Programming

  • In recursive problems, the key to the problem is
    • To figure out the relationship between a base case and its sub-problems.
  • Steps:
    • First write the base case and the other some consequent sub cases
      • Thinking top down with tree is also an alternative
    • Identity any relationship
      • This is the key to the solution.
    • If any repetitive step that can lead to memorization which = dynamic programming.