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How to Become an Expert

  • Find a topic to master
    • ex: Problem solving(Algo & DS), Cooking, Chess…
  • Regular Practice
    • Find a good resource, this can be (teacher, book, website)
      • ex: Use Leetcode, YouTube, competition…
  • Get feedback
    • Is the work right or wrong?
    • How good or bad is it…can it be better?
      • can it be refactored?
    • Compare with other solutions
  • Make your next step challenging or new
    • Doing the same things multiple times won't make you an expert
      • Previously practicing medium tasks, next should be hard tasks
      • Ex: for coding
        • Now array questions next should be graph problems
        • Not great on DP questions then more practice on DP questions
  • Keep challenging yourself or Go back to Step one(Find another topic to master)
