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Microservice with Spring Boot

spring boot microservice architecture

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Components of Microservices

  • API Gateway
    • The API Gateway serves as the single entry point for all client requests, managing routing, load balancing, authentication, and authorization.
    • Technologies:
      • Spring Cloud Gateway or Netflix Zuul.
  • Service Discovery
    • Service discovery enables micro-services to locate each other dynamically, especially when services are added or removed frequently.
    • Technologies:
      • Spring cloud Eureka(Netflix Eureka), Consul.
  • Configuration Management
    • Centralized configuration management ensures that micro-services have consistent configuration and environment information, which can be updated without redeployment.
    • Technologies:
      • Spring Cloud Config Server.
  • Inter-Service Communication
    • Microservices communicate with each other via synchronous (HTTP/REST or gRPC) or asynchronous (message brokers) methods.
      • restTemplate or Feign from Netflix
  • Distributed Tracing and Logging
    • Distributed tracing helps to follow a request's journey across various services for debugging, monitoring, and optimizing performance.
      • Track requests across services, log errors, and aggregate logs for analysis.
    • Technologies:
      • Sleuth (for trace IDs) and Zipkin/Jaeger for tracing, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) for logging.
  • Resilience and Fault Tolerance
    • Micro-services must handle failures gracefully to avoid cascading errors, especially in complex, distributed systems.
      • Retry mechanisms, circuit breaking, and fallbacks to avoid downtime.
    • Technologies:
      • Resilience4j or Hystrix (deprecated), which provides circuit breakers, retries, and timeouts.
  • Event-Driven Architecture
    • An event-driven architecture enables asynchronous communication and data consistency between services through events.
    • Publish and subscribe to events, capture data changes without direct dependencies.
    • Technologies:
      • Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, or AWS SNS/SQS for pub-sub event-driven communication patterns.
  • Authentication and Authorization
    • Authentication and authorization ensure that only valid users and services have access to a micro-service’s resources.
    • Technologies:
      • Spring Security and OAuth2, often paired with JWT or OpenID Connect for stateless authentication.

  • Data Management and Storage
    • Each micro-service ideally has its own data store to avoid direct dependencies on other services’ databases, enforcing data autonomy.
  • Monitoring and Metrics Collection
    • Monitoring services collect metrics and provide insights into service health and performance, crucial for operational excellence.
    • Technologies:
      • Micrometer, Prometheus, and Grafana for metrics and monitoring.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • CI/CD pipelines automate the process of building, testing, and deploying micro-services independently, allowing rapid and reliable delivery.
    • Technologies:
      • CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI, or cloud solutions like GitHub Actions and AWS CodePipeline.
  • Containerization and Orchestration
    • Containers package each micro-service with its dependencies, and orchestrators manage container deployment, scaling, and networking.
    • Technologies:
      • Docker for containerization, Kubernetes or Docker Swarm for orchestration.

Each Components in Details

  • Where to get the libraries
    • Installing the libraries is ignored for the sake for stying up to date, the best way to install the libraries is to
      • Go to to Spring initializer,
      • Search and select the libraries and
      • Copy from the generated pom or gradle files.
  • Use the following tool to change to application.yaml and vise versa

Service Discovery With Eureka

Setup Eureka Server

  • Create new project service registry
  • Install the eureka server library
  • Add the@EnableEurekaServer in the main file
  • Make sure to add properties files in the application properties file
public class EurekaServerApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
port: '8761'
register-with-eureka: false
fetch-registry: false
enable-self-preservation: false

Setup Eureka Clients

  • Add the eureka client
  • Add the @EurekaClient decorator in the main file
  • Make sure to add the required properties in the application properties
public class ClientServiceApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
port: 8081

name: client-service

defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
  • When to use prefer ip address?
    • By default services register themselves using hostname, this property makes them register with their ip address.
    • Why?
      • When running services in cloud environments or across multiple regions, hostname resolution can become inconsistent. An IP address offers a stable identifier for service instances.
      • In some environments, the hostname may not resolve properly due to DNS misconfigurations or delays. Using the IP address ensures direct and reliable communication.
preferIpAddress: true

Feign for Rest Communication

  • What is Feign
    • A declarative web service client in Spring Boot. It simplifies the process of making HTTP API calls to other services in a microservices architecture by providing a cleaner, annotation-driven approach.
  • Why Feign is better than restTemplate
    • Declarative, minimal boilerplate code.
    • Cleaner, as method signatures define the API.
    • Easily integrates with Resilience4j, Eureka or Hystrix.
    • Integrated with Spring Cloud Load Balancer.
  • How to use Feign
    • Install the feign library
    • Add the decorator to the main class @EnableFeignClients
    • Create a feign client interface class
    • Inject the client interface make calls
@FeignClient(name = "users-service") // Name of the Eureka-registered service
public interface UserServiceClient {

@GetMapping("/users/{id}") // Endpoint in the users-service
User getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id);
public class ProductController {

private UserServiceClient userServiceClient;

public User getUserDetails(@PathVariable Long id) {
return userServiceClient.getUserById(id);

Configuration Management with Spring Cloud Config

  • Why do we need centralised configuration management
    • When configuration properties are stored in a single, centralized location (e.g., Git, SVN, or file system). This eliminates the need to manage configurations individually for each service.
    • Microservices can fetch updated configurations without restarting, allowing runtime updates to critical parameters, like feature toggles or database connection details.
    • It supports environment-specific configurations (e.g., dev, test, production) using profiles. This reduces duplication and ensures proper configuration per environment.
    • By integrating with Git or similar version control systems, the Config Server enables version control for configurations.
  • What are the available options
    • Git
    • Vault

Setup Config Server

  • Create a git repository for configuration management
  • Install the Spring cloud config server
  • Use the @EnableConfigServer decorator on the main class
  • Add the giturl to the properties file

#product(using service name)
public class ConfigServerApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
port: 8888

default-label: main
  • Service-specific properties

    • You can organize your configuration files to support general properties for all services and service-specific properties that override the general ones.
    • Steps
      • Create your properties with each service name.
      • Spring them will load properties with the following resolution order
        1. Service-specific properties (e.g., user-service.yml).
        2. Profile-specific properties (e.g., user-service-dev.yml).
        3. General properties (e.g., application.yml).
        4. Profile-specific general properties (e.g., application-dev.yml).
  • Create service specific properties in config server

├── application.yml # General properties for all services
├── user-service.yml # Specific properties for user-service
├── product-service.yml # Specific properties for product-service
├── product-service-dev.yml # Specific properties for product-service dev mode
└── gateway-service.yml # Specific properties for gateway-service

Setup Config Clients

  • Add the spring cloud config client library
  • Modify your properties file to point to the config server
  • Access and use the configuration files
name: my-service
active: dev #this will load the
uri: http://localhost:8888
  • Accessing the configuration files
public class ConfigController {

private String appName;

private String appDescription;


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app")
public class AppConfig {
private String name;
private String description;

// Getters and setters
  • How to switch profiles
    • You can either change the profile or configure spring config cloud to load from different branch i.e dev branch
  • How to make config server optional?
    • Optional: Prefix: Indicates that if the Config Server is unavailable or the URL is invalid, the application will not fail to start. Instead, it will fall back to local configuration files.
import: optional:configserver:http://localhost:8080

Api Gateway Using Spring Cloud Gateway

  • An API Gateway is essential in a microservices architecture because it:
    • Provides a centralized entry point for all client requests.
      • Instead of clients needing to know the addresses of individual microservices (e.g., user-service, product-service), they only need to interact with the API Gateway.
    • Load balancing
      • If there are three instances of user-service, the API Gateway can balance the load between them.
    • Authentication and Authorization
      • The API Gateway can handle authentication and authorization for all incoming requests, ensuring that only valid requests reach the microservices.
    • Rate Limiting and Throttling
      • Limit a client to 100 requests per minute to protect the backend services from being overwhelmed.
    • other
      • SSL Termination
      • Caching
      • Request and Response Transformation
      • Versioning

How to Use Spring Cloud Gateway

  • Create a new project for the gateway
  • Install the library
  • Set it up as a eureka client
  • Add the configurations
public class ApiGatewayApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  • Option 1: Static Routes (Hardcoded Service URLs)
port: 8080 # Gateway will run on port 8080

name: api-gateway
- id: user-service
uri: http://localhost:8082
- Path=/user-service/**
- id: product-service
uri: http://localhost:8083
- Path=/product-service/**
- id: config-service
uri: http://localhost:8084
- Path=/config-service/**

defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
  • Option 2: Dynamic Routes (Using Eureka Service Discovery)
port: 8080 # Gateway will run on port 8080

name: api-gateway
- id: user-service
uri: lb://user-service
- Path=/user-service/**
- id: product-service
uri: lb://product-service
- Path=/product-service/**
- id: config-service
uri: lb://config-service
- Path=/config-service/**

defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
  • How to make gateway automatically fetch the services
    • If you connect the gateway to eureka, then you can enable the discovery locator feature to true and spring gateway will automatically fetch, load the services and provide a URL
    • The URL mapping strategy
      • {gateway-url}/{service-name}/{service-route}
      • ex http://localhost:8080/user-service/api/v1/login
    • When to use?
      • Manually specifying service gives you the control what and how to define routes
      • This might be useful you are eventually going to specify all services anyway
        • If you add or remove new service, without adding the configuration the gateway can automatically provide or remote the routes.
enabled: true
lowerCaseServiceId: true
  • Integration with actuator?

    • If you are working with actuator you can use the {gateway-url}/actuator/gateway/routes to get a listing of all the mappings on our service
  • What are Predicate and Filter Factories?

    • Predicate Factories
      • Objects that allow us to check if the requests fulfill a set of conditions before executing or processing the requests
      • Example:
        • We can use predicate to check whether a request matches required path, date, header method…
    • Filter Factories
      • Filters let us modify the incoming and outgoing HTTP requests and responses.
      • Example:
        • AddRequestHeader, AddResponseHeader, PrefixPath(Adds a prefix to the HTTP request path.), RequestRateLimiter, RewritePath…
    • Example:
      • Scenario:
        • Imagine we have a user-service that doesn’t follow a uniform API prefix. For example:
          • To create a user, the endpoint is /api/v1/user.
          • To access a token, the endpoint is /api/v1/token.
      • Challenge:
        • We want to define a unified route in the API Gateway to handle these endpoints without requiring the client to know the specific paths.
      • Solutions:
        • Automatic Route Discovery:
          • This approach exposes the service name in the URL, which may not be ideal for all use cases maybe we want shorter or different name.
        • Manual Route Definition with Filters and Predicates:
          • Use predicates to match specific paths and filters to rewrite the URLs before forwarding them to the user-service.
- id: user-service-route
uri: lb://user-service # Use Eureka service name
- Path=/user-management/** # Match requests starting with /user-management
- RewritePath=/user-management/(?<segment>.*), /api/v1/$\{segment} # Rewrite the path

Distributed Tracing with Zipkin and Micrometer

  • Distributed tracing is a practice for monitoring and debugging the flow of requests across multiple services.
  • What are the key benefits of distributed tracing and why it’s essential to trace requests from start to finish?
    • End-to-End Visibility
      • In a microservices architecture, a single request often spans multiple services. Without tracing, it’s difficult to understand how the request is processed across these services.
    • Debugging and Troubleshooting:
      • Debugging in a distributed system is challenging because errors can occur in any service. Tracing provides detailed logs and context for each service involved in the request.
    • Performance Optimization
      • Performance issues in one service can impact the entire system. Tracing helps you optimize slow services and improve overall system performance.
    • Transaction Correlation
      • Without correlation, logs from different services are disconnected, making it hard to trace the flow of a specific request.
  • Distributed tracing systems and metrics collections libraries
    • Tracing systems
      • Zipkin
      • Jaeger
    • Metrics collections library
      • Micrometer
        • A metrics collection library that integrates with tracing tools like Zipkin and Jaeger.
  • Why is actuator required for zipkin to work?
    • It provides essential features that enhance the observability and management of your application, such as
      • Actuator exposes a wide range of metrics (e.g., HTTP requests, JVM memory, CPU usage) and health information about your application.
      • Actuator integrates with monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana, enabling real-time monitoring and alerting.

Setup to Work with Zipkin Micrometer

  • Install zipkin first, preferable with docker
  • Install the libraries
    • Search zipkin on spring initializer and copy the list of libraries
  • Add the configurations options to your properties file
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
name: your-service-name
base-url: http://localhost:9411

probability: 1.0

# if you need actuator endpoints
include: "health" # Expose health Actuator endpoints or use ("*") to expose all end points
  • Open the zipkin url on browser and use the ui to investigate request flows and issues
  • How to add feign client to zipkin micrometer ?
    • If you are using feign client in your project you need to add the feign micrometer integration library
  • What is a good value for sampling probability?
    • What is sampling probability?
      • The sampling probability determines how many traces are collected and sent to Zipkin. Setting the right sampling probability is important to balance performance and observability.
    • For dev environment 1.0
      • In a development environment, you want to capture all traces to debug and observe the behavior of your application. This ensures that you don’t miss any important traces while testing.
    • For production 0.1 - 0.2
      • In production, capturing all traces can generate a large amount of data, which can overwhelm Zipkin and impact performance. A lower sampling rate reduces the load on the tracing system while still providing enough data for observability.

Resilience And Fault Tolerance with Resilience4j

  • Fault tolerance involves designing systems to handle failures gracefully by:
    • Detecting failures: Identifying when a component or service has failed.
    • Isolating failures: Preventing failures from cascading to other parts of the system.
    • Recovering from failures: Automatically or manually restoring functionality.
    • Providing fallbacks: Offering alternative responses or behaviors when a failure occur
    • Resilience: Prevents cascading failures and isolates issues.
  • Resilience4j:
    • A lightweight fault tolerance library for Java.
  • Here are some common fault tolerance techniques used in microservices?
    • retries
    • rate limiting
    • bulkheads
    • circuit breakers
    • fallbacks
    • tip:
      • You can stack more than one decorator on any functional interface, lambda expression or method reference

Circuit Breakers

  • What It Does:
    • Stops making requests to a failing service after a certain number of failures, allowing it to recover.
  • Benefit:
    • Prevents cascading failures and reduces load on the failing service.
  • What are Circuit breaker state transitions and how do they work?
    • circuit breaker state transition illustration
    • Initially the state is
      • Closed where all requests are allowed to pass, if errors keep stacking up the state transitions to open state
      • Open state is where all requests not allowed to pass, after some duration the state goes to half-open
      • Half-open state is where only some requests are processed, if requests success starts to grow the state if updated to closed otherwise it is goes back to open state.
  • Setup and for circuit breakers
    • Install the library resilience4j and spring aspect oriented programming(aop)
    • Add the configurations inside your file
    • Use the @CircuitBreaker annotation
  • You need to evaluate and use the proper value that match your applications need
    • We can define separate configurations for each external instances with want to integrate, the service identifier we specify here will be used as name later.
registerHealthIndicator: true
slidingWindowSize: 10
permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: 3
slidingWindowType: TIME_BASED
minimumNumberOfCalls: 20
waitDurationInOpenState: 50s
failureRateThreshold: 50
eventConsumerBufferSize: 10
  • Now you can use @CircuitBreaker when you interact with external service
public class MyService {

@CircuitBreaker(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "fallbackMethod")
public String callExternalService() {
// Simulate a service call (replace with your logic)
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw new RuntimeException("Simulated service failure");
return "Success!";

// Fallback method
public String fallbackMethod(Throwable throwable) {
return "Fallback response due to: " + throwable.getMessage();


  • What It Does:
    • Automatically retries a failed request a specified number of times.
maxAttempts: 3 # Maximum retry attempts
waitDuration: 2s # Wait between retries
public class MyService {

@Retry(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "retryFallback")
@CircuitBreaker(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "circuitBreakerFallback")
public String callExternalService() {
// Simulate a service call (replace with actual logic)
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw new RuntimeException("Simulated service failure");
return "Success!";

// Retry fallback method
public String retryFallback(Throwable throwable) {
return "Retry Fallback: " + throwable.getMessage();

// Circuit Breaker fallback method
public String circuitBreakerFallback(Throwable throwable) {
return "Circuit Breaker Fallback: " + throwable.getMessage();

Rate Limiting

  • What It Does:
    • Limits the number of requests a service can handle within a specific time period.
  • Benefit:
    • Prevents overloading services and ensures fair usage.
limitForPeriod: 5 # Max number of calls allowed in a refresh period
limitRefreshPeriod: 1s # Refresh period
timeoutDuration: 2s # Timeout duration for waiting
registerHealthIndicator: true
public class MyService {

@RateLimiter(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "rateLimiterFallback")
public String rateLimitedService() {
// Simulate a service call
return "Rate Limited Service Response";

// Rate Limiter fallback method
public String rateLimiterFallback(Throwable throwable) {
return "Rate Limiter Fallback: Too many requests, try again later.";

Bulkhead Pattern

  • What It Does: Isolates resources (e.g., threads, connections) for different services to prevent failures in one service from affecting others.
  • Benefit: Limits the impact of failures and improves system stability.
maxConcurrentCalls: 5 # Maximum number of concurrent calls allowed
maxWaitDuration: 100ms # Maximum time to wait for a permit
  • When the Bulkhead is full (i.e., the maximum number of concurrent calls is reached), a BulkheadFullException is thrown. You can handle this exception using a fallback method.
public class UserService {

@Bulkhead(name = "userServiceBulkhead", type = Type.SEMAPHORE, fallbackMethod = "getUserDetailsFallback")
public String getUserDetails(String userId) {
// Simulate a long-running operation
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // Simulate delay
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return "User details for " + userId;

// Fallback method
public String getUserDetailsFallback(String userId, BulkheadFullException ex) {
return "Fallback response: Service is busy. Please try again later.";
  • Resilience4j also supports a Thread Pool Bulkhead, which uses a thread pool to isolate resources.
maxThreadPoolSize: 10 # Maximum number of threads in the pool
coreThreadPoolSize: 5 # Core number of threads in the pool
queueCapacity: 10 # Queue capacity for waiting tasks

More Info

  • Integrating with actuator?
  • Working with micrometer
  • Working with feign client?
    • Resilience4j-feign makes it easy to incorporate "fault tolerance" patterns into the feign framework, such as the CircuitBreaker and RateLimiter.
    • Resilience4j + Feign
  • Testing your new fault tolerance configurations
    • Use Apache Jmeter java tool or any other performance measurement tools

Securing Microservice


  • Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution developed by Red Hat.
  • It provides a comprehensive set of features for securing applications and services, including authentication, authorization, single sign-on (SSO), and user management.
  • Steps:
    • Set up Keycloak and configure a realm, client, roles, and users.
      • downloads - Keycloak
      • Keyclock be default uses Local H2 database which is suitable to testing and can be updated to use SQL db such as Postgres sql.
      • A realm is a space where you manage users, roles, and clients.
      • What are clients?
        • Often the applications(web-app, mobile-app…) or services that we want to secure by providing a single sign-on (SSO) solution.
    • Add the Keycloak dependency and configure it in your microservice.
    • Enable Keycloak security and secure endpoints using Spring Security annotations.

Microservice with Kubernetes

Spring Cloud Vs Kubernetes

  • Spring Cloud Microservices:
    • Focuses on building microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud tools for features like service discovery (Eureka), configuration management (Config Server), load balancing (Ribbon), and API Gateway (Zuul).
    • It's primarily for developing microservices at the application level.
  • Kubernetes-Oriented Microservices:
    • Focuses on deploying and managing microservices in a containerized environment using Kubernetes.
    • It provides orchestration features like automated scaling, load balancing, self-healing, and service discovery at the infrastructure level, independent of the application framework.

When to Use Which

  • Spring cloud microservice
    • You are building Java/Spring Boot applications.
    • You want to handle application-level concerns (e.g., service discovery, configuration management) within the application.
    • You are running on a platform that does not provide built-in microservices features (e.g., bare metal, VMs).
  • Kubernetes-Oriented Microservices
    • You are building polyglot microservices (using multiple programming languages or frameworks).
    • You want to leverage infrastructure-level features (e.g., container orchestration, scaling, resource management).
    • You are running on a containerized platform (e.g., Kubernetes, OpenShift).

Equivalent Kubernetes Services

  • Service no longer needed when using Kubernetes?
    • List of features from Spring cloud that can be replaced with Kubernetes features.
FeatureSpring Cloud MicroservicesKubernetes-Oriented Microservices
Primary FocusApplication-level concernsInfrastructure-level concerns
Service DiscoverySpring Cloud Netflix Eureka, ConsulKubernetes DNS and Service Objects
Configuration ManagementSpring Cloud Config ServerConfigMaps and Secrets
Load BalancingRibbon, Spring Cloud LoadBalancerKubernetes Service
Fault ToleranceHystrix, Resilience4jKubernetes Health Checks, Rolling Updates, Resilience4j
API GatewaySpring Cloud Gateway, ZuulIngress Controllers (e.g., NGINX, Traefik)
Deployment and ScalingExternal tools (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes)Kubernetes Deployments, ReplicaSets, HPA
Monitoring and LoggingSpring Boot Actuator, MicrometerKubernetes Metrics Server, EFK Stack
Resource ManagementHandled by underlying infrastructureKubernetes Resource Requests and Limits
EcosystemSpring ecosystem (Java/Spring Boot)Platform-agnostic (any language/framework)

Spring Cloud Kubernetes

  • Spring Cloud Kubernetes provides implementations of well known Spring Cloud interfaces allowing developers to build and run Spring Cloud applications on Kubernetes.
    • This is not a requirement but it helps simplify spring boot integration with Kubernetes.
  • In this practice, Kubernetes will handle the infrastructure and scaling, while Spring Cloud (or equivalent tools) will take care of application-level concerns.
    • I.e We can integrate Spring cloud config to work with Config Maps and secrets