PHP Crash Note
echo "This is php";
print("This is PHP");
mind the dollar sign ($)
$text = "hello world";
$n = 5;
$y = 10.5;
$z = true;
echo $n;
Print Datatype of Variable
var_dump($n) // prints int(5)
Available Data-types
Integer, Float, String, Booleans, Array, Object, resource and NULL
Delete a Variable
Check if Variable is Unset or Undefined
echo "we need var z";
Constant Variable
define("PI", 3.14);
echo PI;
Control Flows
== Vs ===
// == checks value sequality
// === checks value and data type
$a = 0;
$b = '0';
assert($a == $b); //prints true
assert($a === $b); //prints false
#&&/|| C syntax
if(true && 14>12){
switch ($x) {
case '0':
print 'Switch does type coercion';
break; // You must include a break, or you will fall through
// to cases 'two' and 'three'
case 'two':
case 'three':
// Do something if $variable is either 'two' or 'three'
// Do something by default
$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
echo $i++;
} // Prints "01234"
for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
echo $x;
}// Prints "0123456789"
$my_array = [1,2];
// Foreach loops can iterate over arrays
foreach ($my_array as $array) {
echo $array;
} // Prints "12"
$wheels = ['bicycle' => 2, 'car' => 4];
// You can iterate over the keys as well as the values
foreach ($wheels as $vehicle => $wheel_count) {
echo "A $vehicle has $wheel_count wheels";
#A bicycle has 2 wheels
#A car has 4 wheels
Data Structures
$country = "south africa";
ehco strlen($country); //prints length of the string
echo strrev($country); //returns reversesd string
$my_array = [1,2,3,4]
echo $my_array;
$my_array[] = 5 // add new array
unset($my_array[2]) // remove an array
count($my_array) //returns size of array
sort($array) //sorts the array
Hashmap (associative array)
- All arrays in PHP are associative arrays (hashmaps in some languages)
$associative = ['One' => 1, 'Two' => 2, 'Three' => 3];
echo $associative['One']; // prints 1
$associative['Four'] = 4; //Add an element
Define Function
// Define a function with "function":
function my_function () {
return 'Hello';
echo my_function(); // => "Hello"
Function with Arguments
function add ($x, $y = 1) { // $y is optional and defaults to 1
$result = $x + $y;
return $result;
echo add(4); // => 5
echo add(4, 2); // => 6
Anonymous Functions
Function is an object you can store, return or use it as a normal variable.
$inc = function ($x) {
return $x + 1;
echo $inc(2); // => 3
Variable Arguments var_args
function variable($word, ...$list) {
echo $word . " || ";
foreach ($list as $item) {
echo $item . ' | ';
variable("Separate", "Hello", "World");
//Separate || Hello | World |
Define Classes
class Fruit {
// Properties
public $name;
public $color;
// Methods
function set_name($name) {
$this->name = $name;
function get_name() {
return $this->name;
$apple = new Fruit();
$banana = new Fruit();
echo $apple->get_name();
echo $banana->get_name();
var_dump($apple instanceof Fruit);
Constructor and Destructor
class Fruit {
public $name;
public $color;
function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
function __destruct() {
echo "The fruit is going to heaven {$this->name}.";
function get_name() {
return $this->name;
$apple = new Fruit("Apple");
echo $apple->get_name();
Access Modifiers
- public
- private
- protected
class Animal{
private $name;
public function __construct($name){
$this -> name = $name;
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
class Dog extends Animal{
private $owner;
public function __construct($name, $owner){
$this->owner = $owner;
public function getOwner(){
return $this->owner;
public function getName(){
return "Catch ".$this->name;
Static Modifier
class Config{
public static $DB_NAME = "DB_Name";
public static function get_connection($host){
return $host."/".Config::$DB_NAME;
echo Config::$DB_NAME;
echo Config::get_connection("localhost");
interface IEngine{
function start();
function stop();
function status();
class CarEngine implements IEngine{
private $status = "Loading";
function start(){
$this->status = "Running";
function stop(){
$this->status = "Resting";
function status(){
return $this->status;
$c = new CarEngine();
echo $c->status(); //loading
echo "\n";
$c->start(); //running
echo $c->status();
abstract class Car {
public $name;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
abstract public function intro();
// Child classes
class Audi extends Car {
public function intro() {
return "Choose German quality! I'm an $this->name!";
$audi = new Audi("Audi");
echo $audi->intro();
There is More to PHP
Since 2022, more intriguing features have been added to PHP, which should be considered following this.
- PHP: Appendices - Manual, can help find out the new features on each release.