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  • Video tutorial
  • The cron table is the list of tasks scheduled to run at regular time intervals on the system.

List Crontabs

crontab -l
# list all crontab for the currently logged in user
crontab -u admin -l  
# list all crontab for user admin**

Save Crontab

crontab - e  
# open the file where you can edit/save crontab.
crontab -u admin -e  
# edit crontab for user admin**

Remove Crontab

crontab -r  
# remove all cron jobs


# asterisk (*) is used to match every value, ex: every day.  
30 * * * * rsync ... every 30 minutes of any day, 1:30,2:30
30 5 1 * * rsync ... every 1(first) day at 5:30,
0 0 * * *  rsync ... every midnight this will run.
# use , for multiple values  
0 0 1,15 * *  rsync ... every midnight on the first and 15th day of any month.
# use / for intervals, ex: interval of ten = 10, 20, 30...
*/10 * * *  * rsync ... every 10 min interval

# use - for range, ex: 0-5 = 0,1,2,3,4,5
0 0-5 * * * rsync  ... every minute from midnight to 5 AM every day.
